“I am so glad you are here.”


For years, I worked in a mental health agency. I provided support and partnership to many amazing people who live with mental health concerns and still find ways to create purpose and value in their own life and the lives of others. I learned very early on that the energy and compassion you bring to each interaction has a profound effect on the person receiving it.  I noticed overtime that everyone you meet can sense, understand, and feel if you are truly present in the moment you share with them. The people we share space with need to know we are honored and happy to spend that time with them, no matter how brief.  

As I moved into leadership in this work, I had the privilege of meeting many talented people whose hearts were called to help others. Beautiful people whose purpose was set on their being. I would often meet people on their first day with the agency while they toured the building and program they had chosen. I remember how some were excited, some were overwhelmed, and some had an innate ability to not show a single thing about what they were feeling on that big first day. In those moments, I wanted them to feel welcome, to know that I was happy that they had chosen this work, and that no matter what else happened in their time there; that it was important work that they had signed up for. 

I would greet them all with a warm smile a handshake (this was pre-pandemic folks), and look them right in the eye and say, “Welcome, I am so glad you are here”... and I really was. 

Now that I have opened Best Life Solutions, I spend time reflecting on the things I want people to know about how I share space with others in this important life work.  It can be difficult to choose to reach out.  It takes courage to begin the work of looking inward, but the reward is almost always incredible, as we become aware of ourselves, the things that impact our struggles and joy, and the courage needed to take action on the things that lead us forward. 

If you are here, and you've read this far, I want you to know you are considering important work, it may not be easy, it will require your whole self and you can do it.  I would be honored to share that journey but most of all... I am so glad you are here! 

Teri Corrigan MSW, CSW-PIP, QMHP

Teri is a clinical social worker in Rapid City SD. She is owner and therapist at Best Life Solutions. She works to create authentic connection to self, while assisting people in working towards a life they love.


Balance and Wellness: Where do we start?